
Big Issue in the North Digital Access Card

Copy of CERN's press release regarding the discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson on 4th July 2012. Signed by the speakers at the Geneva press conference including the CERN Director-General Prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CMS Spokesperson Prof. Joe Incandela and ATLAS Spokesperson Prof. Fabiola Gianotti.

CERN press release about the discovery of the Higgs Boson.

1 bundle

Collection of Plans for Cutacre Opencast Coal Mine


Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre Calendar for 2011.

1 item

Notes on the discovery of Higgs Boson particle.

4 items

Promotional material for the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme

Copy of press release issued by the Science and Technology Facilities Council announcing the discovery of a new particle, possibly the Higgs boson, on 4 July 2012. Signed by the speakers at the London press conference: STFC CEO Prof. John Womersley, CMS scientist Prof. Tejinder (Jim) Virdee and ATLAS scientist Prof. Jon Butterworth.

Higgs boson press release

4 boxes, containing 889 items

Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company Archaeological Archive


Briefing sheet from Science Museum press event announcing Tim Peake's mission 'Principia' to the International Space Station

4 sheets

Documents relating to Patrick Moore's Coat of Arms

30 sheets

Letters to Ian Curtis and centre labels for Joy Division releases

219 sheets

Joy Division song lyrics

1 book

European Commission "A decade of EU-funded GMO research"

First release copy of the Joy Division Singles box set.

First pressing recordings

2 items

Joy Division Singles 1978-80

Folder containing photographs taken of the Unknown Pleasures exhibition at Macclesfield Silk Mill, and an outline for a proposed Joy Division heritage centre.

Papers relating to the Unknown Pleasures exhibition, Macclesfield

38 sheets

Books read by Ian Curtis and books and articles about Ian Curtis and Joy Division

24 items

File of exhibition booklets and heritage walk leaflets

An original copy of the NME Anniversary Issue titled "Ian Curtis 30 Years On".

NME magazine

155 sheets

Manuscript for So This is Permanence

Original copy of the NME containing a feature on the unseen notebooks of Ian Curtis, with the title "A personal journey into the mind of a troubled genius".

NME magazine

Folder of scans of posters and artwork kept by Ian Curtis for Warsaw/Joy Division gigs.

Posters and artwork for Warsaw and Joy Division gigs

Folder containing typescript copies of Joy Division song lyrics, for "So This is Permanence".

Joy Division song lyrics

Original copy of Uncut containing a cover story interview with New Order and others on the making of Closer and the death of Ian Curtis, p. 50.

Uncut magazine


Branch Line Society Souvenir Ticket

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Research & Scholarship: General correspondence

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Special Exhibitions: Brave Railwaymen

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Peter Allen Building (PAB) - floor plans

1 file

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled: Directorate: Board of Trustees Strategy Day agenda and notes

1 file

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled: Directorate: Deed of Transfer between the Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry Trust (GMMSI) and the Board of Trustees of the Science Museum Group, 2012

Three-paged coloured ink printout on A4 white paper from of an Amazon store product , the book 'Look! It Cooks: A Life in Microwaves' (paperback) by Marguerite Pattern O.B.E (Foreword) and Lewis Napleton (Author), Prospect Books 1st ed (25 July 2001). Page one give the product details (and a thumbnail image of the book); the end of page one and page two is a review of the book by Emma Lawrence on 30 April 2003 titled 'Entertaining and informative'. There is also a small image advertising 'Amazon Fashion Spring/Summer'. Page 3 are various Amazon links.

Three-paged printout from Amazon website avertising the book 'Look! It Cooks: A Life in Microwaves' (paperback) by Marguerite Pattern O.B.E (Foreword) and Lewis Napleton (Author), Prospect Books 1st ed (25 July 2001)



1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Loan of Museum Objects: Norwich Castle Museum

4 items

Gallery Information

1 item

Shipping collection listing acqusition year 1850 to 1914

1 item

Folder entitled 'All Information on Existing Galleries including Plans Old & New'

1 item

Shipping collection listing acqusition year 1915 - 1939

1 item

Girl Guiding Badges: 18- 20 October 2013

Illustrated report containing a detailed account of rebuilding an end seal unit of a Molins Teabag Machine used at Unilever's Trafford Park premises.

Report - "Job write up, End Sealer rebuild"


Letter from K.A. Pounds to Patrick Moore

1 item

Draft opinion on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the council amending directive 2001/18/EC as regards the possibility for the member states to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs in their territory

1 item

United States Department of Agriculture "Is agricultural innovation such as biotechnology a solution for addressing climate change and achieving food security?"


"The invisible revolution"


Distinguished Membership awarded by HandAstro

1 journal

World Agriculture, Vol. 3 Issue 1


Talking of Food GM foods debate London disk 1

1 item

Copy of Philip M'Pheron's obituary

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Visitor Services: Condolence book for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Pegasus and Andromeda

1 item

Copy of final Who's Who entry for Philip Keith M'Pherson